Several levels of data storage are provided for Armis, varying by capacity, I/O rate, and longevity of storage. Nothing is backed up, except AFS. Please contact with any questions.

Storage type/location Description Best Used For Access & Policy Details
Local directory unique to each node. Not shared. High-speed read and writes for small files (less than 10GB) System will automatically delete data here 30 days after date of creation
Shared across the entire cluster. Only for use with currently running jobs. Quota of 10GB per user. Currently running jobs.  To check your quota, use armis-userquota -s
/scratch Turbo-based  file system shared across all Armis nodes. /scratch is temporary storage only, and is purged periodically by ARC admins. Large data for active jobs.
Users who need long-term storage can purchase it from Turbo Research Storage, which is a high-speed storage service providing NFSv3 and NFSv4 access. It is available only for research data. Storing research data. Turbo Research Storage Configuration