Getting Started

Locker can be accessed from any ARC-TS compute service that supports the same data classifications as your export.  To have your Locker export added to an ARC-TS resource contact us with the export name and system name. Locker will be available on all login and data transfer nodes at a minimum.

Mounts will be located at

Research groups may also request system group creation to control group access to Locker volumes.

Storage Resource Software

If you are unsure which of our storage services should be used to host your data, we have written some software that you can download and execute to analyze your files to understand how much of your data is stored in large files, how much of your data has been accessed recently, and the distribution of file sizes and access times. Use this tool to find file statistics and get a storage recommendation

Optional Features

Replication – (Recommended) Optional second copy of all data in a different geographic location.

Snapshots – (Highly Recommended) Tracking of how data in a volume changes over time allowing users to recover deleted, modified, or otherwise damaged data.

Access snapshots at:


Requesting or Modifying a Locker Storage Volume

  • Go to Use your UMICH (Level-1) credentials and Duo two-factor authentication to login via the ITS Service Request (SRS) Portal or the ITS General Computing provision page
  • To create a volume please see our Ordering Storage Services page for detailed instructions.
  • To modify a volume:
    • Select ‘Request Service’ at the top of the screen.
    • Select ‘Modify’ for either NFS or CIFS and on the following page choose the Turbo volume you wish to modify
    • Enter in any changes you wish to make.
    • Near the bottom of the page, select ‘Next’ to move on to the next page.
    • Continue making changes on each page until you reach the ‘Review’ page.
    • After reviewing all your changes to ensure they are correct click on ‘Submit Now’ to submit the changes to your volume.
    • The changes will be sent to the ARC-TS Storage team so they can process the request. This can take up to a business day to complete. They will update you as soon as the changes have taken effect. 

SRS support

Information about the SRS and how to use it can be found throughout the SRS system. 

Here are some additional resources:

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